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Proper Development of Your Wide Receivers

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© February, 2012

by Cedric Shell
Wide Receivers Coach & Passing Game Coordinator McPherson College

Wide receivers have many areas in which they must be proficient. The receiver must be properly drilled and taught fundamentals to succeed in each area of play. When a receiver is properly drilled and given tools for success, you then have accountability. With accountability comes trust and confidence. When a player is confident, he is not thinking. He is able to play fast and execute his techniques.

What is Expected
of Your Wide Receiver

1. Leadership - A football team or any other organization can only be successful if it has proper direction and positive leadership. Leadership is a quality that can be learned and acquired. It can also be the result of actions performed. Not all men are leaders, but leadership can be developed if certain principles are applied and carried out.

2. Attitude - Attitude of the individual toward his responsibilities is very important - it should be positive, not negative. The personality one exhibits to his teammates should be pleasant and confident, but not arrogant or cocky. It is easy to acquire this trait if you have a good attitude toward your school, your teammates, your coaches, and yourself. Knowledge of your position will also assist you. Try to completely absorb the details of your position. Develop an ability to concentrate and execute your position flawlessly. Sarcasm and wise cracks are out of order. The object the game is to win and not show up your teammates. Your association with your teammates off the field is not a prerequisite for leadership, but it will help you gain a deeper understanding for each other, develop mutual respect and contribute to team morale.

3. Ability - Ability is an essential requirement of ...The full article can only be seen by subscribers.
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