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The Five Most Important Drills for Defensive Line Play

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© October, 2012

by Cornelius Coleman
Assistant Coach • Averett University

Regardless of the type of defensive scheme your coaching staff is running, it has become evident in today’s game that defensive line play is the key ingredient to a successful defensive unit. In the earlier stages of the game, defensive linemen were used to plugging holes and keeping opposing offensive linemen off of scrapping linebackers. But in today’s game, it has become pivotal that defensive linemen possess the ability to get upfield and make plays on ball carriers. There are five traits a D-Lineman must possess in order to be successful: 1-quickness, 2-speed, 3-aggressiveness, 4-persistence, and 5-the ability to finish plays.

As a former defensive line coach, there were three main principles that I communicated to my players on a daily basis. First, a good defensive front must always play with a sense of reckless abandon. This is a concept which means, throughout the course of a game or single play, athletes must find a way to lay it all on the line on every single snap. D-Linemen must understand that they play a position which involves physical contact on ev ...The full article can only be seen by subscribers.
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