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Beating the 3-5-3 with the Option

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© August, 2010

by Paul Anthony Markowski
Fullbacks Coach, Simon Fraser University (CAN)

With the advent of spread offenses in today�s college game, many defensive coaches have moved, or are contemplating moving, to the 3-5-3 defensive set. The theory behind this defense is to get more speed on the field in order to deal with the speed and athleticism of today�s offenses. Running a 3-5-3 defense also potentially puts eight men in the tackle box on every play. With these facts in mind, the defensive logic of the 3-5-3 indicates eight men in the box will stop the option running game. Sounds legitimate. But I, for one, do not buy into this line of thinking. Instead, I truly believe that the option game can dominate any d ...The full article can only be seen by subscribers.
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