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© February, 2010
by Doug Bilodeau
Defensive Coordinator Wilsonville High School (OR)
Most of the defensive ends I have coached over the years have had one flaw - they all thought they were linebackers! This flaw is what made them good defensive ends. Once they understood that they are a pretty important part of the defensive scheme, there was a total buy in.
The defensive end�s role is multi-faceted - they must be able to control a tight end blocking down on a linebacker, and take on a trapper or kick out block by the fullback. In a forty front, the defensive end is responsible for containing the QB and being able to recognize a screen. Then there is my favorite: the inside and outside veer. The games offenses will play in order to influence the end in order to open up running lanes and/or cause the end to second guess his option responsibility.
There are many basic fundamentals to teach defensive ends on a daily basis, but what you focus on during the week should be based on the offensive scheme. With a detailed scouting report, the defensive end coach should be able to isolate the various blocks that they will encounter on game day. For example, a team that runs a lot of tackle trap or counter most likely will run some form of play acti ...The full article can only be seen by subscribers.
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