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Drop-Back Pass Protection Centers Around 5 Basic Keys

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© June, 2007

by Ted Newson
Offensive Line/Special Teams Coach, Portsmouth High School, Portsmouth, Ohio

OFFENSIVE LINEMEN typically just want to get out there and hit somebody. The excitement of being pitted one-on-one against another player sometimes overtakes the precision, timing and fundamentals involved in offensive-line blocking.

And, while your linemen may love to block for your rushing attack, they also need to know the intricacies of blocking and setting up a pocket for your passing game. Tactics and philosophies are much different when it comes to pass protection.

Some linemen may not think pass protecting is all that difficult because it�s not as �smashmouth� as run blocking. But, when performed effectively, it�s every bit as thrilling and exciting to give the quarterback enough time to hook up with a receiver for a 50-yard touchdown pass as it is to spring a running back for a

35-yard touchdown run.   

Be sure your linemen are devoted to pass protecting and spend valuable practice time teaching the fundamentals. Your linemen need to know the ins and outs of being solid pass protectors.
Those ins and outs are broken down into five areas:

1. The Set

2. Relative Position

3. Body Position

4. Lateral Movement

5. Separation

Perfecting each of these areas requires knowledge, preparation and a fundamental approach.
winning the set

Everything in football begins with the stance. Pass protection is no different. A great stance is one that allows a lineman easily to move forward, backward, right or left. The stance must allow the lineman to get set with the leas ...The full article can only be seen by subscribers.
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