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Adjusting The 4-2 Defense Into A Total Blitz Package

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© February, 2005

by Jim MacKenzie
Assistant Football Coach, Dobbs Ferry Union Free High School, Dobbs Ferry, N.Y.

OUR PROGRAM USES a tough-to-block blitz package out of the 4-2 defense. The concept is based on Don James� old University of Washington defense. We play mostly a man-to-man defense behind the front using the free safety as either a run stopper or blitzer, depending on the call.

To maximize pressure out of this defense, we�ve designed an effective system in which we name each player, as well as every gap. The only two players who don�t have a designated name are the cornerbacks.
The following diagram shows this naming system for our defensive players and the tags we use for the gaps.

DIAGRAM 1: Gap ...The full article can only be seen by subscribers.
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