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Simple Bunch Package Is An Easy-To-Install, Yet Tough-To-Defend Offense

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© August, 2003

by Jeff Shutter
Head Football Coach, Eastern York High School, Wrightsville, Pa.

OUR TEAM�S PASSING GAME is divided into packages of plays. Each package requires a certain personnel grouping to execute. We�ve found that packaging plays allows the maximum efficiency for teaching and getting players to learn a multiple pass attack. 

This packages includes 3-step drops, 5-step drops and sprint or dash plays. Within this framework, the multiple formations, motions, shifts and scrambles create mismatches and overloads for the opposing defense.

Patience, Timing Is Key
This passing-game philosophy is based on the ability to throw the ball to control the time of possession, down and distance. You must be patient, th ...The full article can only be seen by subscribers.
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