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© February, 2014

by Leon Criner
Defensive Coordinator • Los Angeles Valley College

Effective drills should simulate game conditions and be no longer than six seconds.

There is nothing more important in your program than drills. In selecting a drill there are a couple of things you need to consider. For example, the number of drills, the length, tempo, number of players involved, and the results you want. Here are some points to consider:
1. Length - Drills are like a woman’s skirt. They need to be long enough to cover the subject but short enough to keep your interest. Generally, for an individual drill, a rule of thumb is six seconds. Any longer and you’re into a conditioning drill.
2. Tempo – Can you get the same results if you go half speed as you can if you go full speed? I know there are times when a coach has to go less than full speed. But, understand that this will possibly carry over to your game. You cannot go “dummy” all week and expect your players to suddenly go live when the whistle blows. If you’re fe ...The full article can only be seen by subscribers.
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