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Off-Tackle “G-Series” Explodes For Big-Time Gains

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© June, 2003

by John Ott
Head Coach, Mora High School, Mora, Minn.

THE G-SERIES IS a fullback off-tackle series that requires the pulling of the on-side guard who traps the defensive end. It’s always run to the tight-end side and can be run out of multiple formations.

This series has maximum blocking at the point of attack and bases its success on the ability of the FB to strike quickly and with power. Angle blocks also occur, which allow your offensive linemen to make easier blocks. When threatened with the complementary pass of this series, an opponent’s defensive secondary is put into conflict.

This series is best run out of a double TE set for three reasons.
    1.    It forces the defense to play balanced, which ...The full article can only be seen by subscribers.
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