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© October, 2016

by Chennis Berry
Offensive Coordinator and Offensive Line Coach Southern University


By Chennis Berry, Offensive Coordinator and Offensive Line Coach

Southern University

When we install the �Power� play, our goal is to implement this play with a physical mentality and make our players understand that this is a physical, downhill, double team, kick out, wall up type of play. I tend to call this play, �God�s Play�. If this play is installed and executed properly, it�s a play that you can hang your hat on. We first must get our players to believe in the play and want the play to be called. Being that this play is in the �GAP� scheme family, everyone must understand that they are responsible for �GAP INTEGRITY�. In the simplest form, the OL is responsible for:

TE:   Play side �D/C� gap. (Depends on if the EMOL spills or boxes)

Pulling OG:  Play side �C/D� gap. (Depends on if the EMOL spills or boxes)

PST:     Play side �B� gap.

PSG:  Play side �A� gap.

C:  Back side �A� gap.

BST:  Back side �B� gap.  (Gap hinge)

BSTE:  Back side �C� gap.  (Gap hinge)

Coaching Point:  If there is no defender in the ass ...The full article can only be seen by subscribers.
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