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Proven Inside, Outside Zone-Blocking Schemes To Keep Defensive Fronts At Bay

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© February, 2006

by Ken Wilmesherr
Assistant Coach, Southwestern College, Chula Vista, Calif.

ZONE OFFENSES ARE different than other offensive systems because there is no specific point of attack. As a result, the opponent�s entire defensive front will be stressed.

Inside and outside zone systems aren�t like a standard man-blocking scheme. Instead, each offensive lineman is assigned an area or zone that he is responsible to block.

The zone play can break anywhere so it�s imperative that each lineman is aware that both play side and backside blocking assignments are crucial. For inside zones, stress to your players that effective backside blocking provides cutback lanes for the ball carrier.

On most inside zone-blocking plays there are double-teams. During outside-zone blocking there are no double-teams except on the edge between the play-side offensive tackle and the play-side tight end. The double-team is short-lived, however, and it usually evolves into a co-op block between the play-side OT and TE.

    Inside Zone Blocking. Is designed to get vertical movement on the line of scrimmage by creating double-teams on first-level defenders while getting vertical movement to the second-level defender. ...The full article can only be seen by subscribers.
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