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Hand Placement and Body Positioning for Attacking Fronts

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© October, 2010

by Wes Bell
Defensive Line Coach Missouri Western State University

The following drills are my absolute favorites for teaching hand and eye placement along with body positioning for aggressive attacking fronts. I take great pride in getting my players to buy into the penetrating philosophy, using their read keys to take them to the ball, and then giving 100% effort to get to the football regardless of where it is on the field. We treat every play as if it were a passing down with our thought process and initial get off, then we will play the run blocking scheme used against us with our hands and eyes. A term that I use with my players in regards to their body positioning is �pushing a car uphill�. That analogy helps them picture in their head what I am looking for when it comes to the bend in their knees, slight bow in the back, stiff armed, and head up positioning.

    My teaching progression starts every year with STANCE (hand of the player down with proper foot width and stagger, and the proper amount of bodyweight on the down hand), FIRST STEP (penetrating step, getting on the offensive side of ...The full article can only be seen by subscribers.
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