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Essential Outline For Developing A Winning Tradition

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© June, 2004

Essential Outline For Developing A Winning Tradition
By Jim Bob Bryant, Co-Offensive Coordinator
Williamston High School, Williamston, N.C.

THE FOLLOWING outline is one that our program has used as a guideline to build program success over a number of seasons. Some parts may or may not be applicable to every program or situation, but you can modify it to fit your program�s needs.

I. Administration

A. Work closely with administration.
B. Administration and the coaching staff should be on the same page.
C. Neither should have a hidden agenda over the other.
D. Go through the proper administration channels before doing anything (using purchase orders, scheduling trips, camps, combines, etc.).
E. Get the administration to work and talk with athletes so that you�re allies and not enemies.

II. Develop, Hire A Quality Staff

A. Hire good people that share your philosophy, or teach and build on the staff that you already have.
B. A team is only as good as it�s coaching staff. Therefore, the staff must work together for the good of the program.
C. Each coach should be happy with his job and enjoy what he does. Remember:
� A happy coach is one that feels like he has real input as it pertains to offense, defense, special teams, conditioning and academics
� Find out what each of your coaches is good at and put them to work.
D. Outline a brief outlook of the season from summer, in-season and off-season workouts, to camps, strategies, coaching responsibilities, practice schedules, meetings, etc.
E. Have this printed before the season begins and give each coach a copy

III. Get To Know Your Players

A. Go to their homes.
B. Meet with them at school.
C. Organize a pizza party to bring the team closer together.
D. Find out everything about your kids, not just the athletic part. Remember the old saying, �Kids don�t care what you know, they just want to know that you care.�
E. If you win a player�s heart, you have a soldier that will go to war for you.

IV. Booster club

A. Approach boosters about fundraisers and season tickets.
B. If you do not have a Booster Club, start one.
C. Involve the players and their parents.
D. Start with small projects and get progressively bigger. For example: combine, camps, Lift-a-thons, etc.
E. Get cheerleading squad involved in fundraisers.

V. Academics

A. Check all players ...The full article can only be seen by subscribers.
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