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Essential Tips, Tricks And Techniques For Scouting Your Opponents

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© February, 2007

by Bill Shepard
Former Head Coach, Rockford Christian High School, Rockford, Ill.

OVER THE YEARS, I�ve learned a great deal about football through clinics, staff meetings and even scouting. I�ve learned the best places to scout in our conference, locations at a game and mostly, through trial and error, the best information to include. Scouting an opponent isn�t the key to instant success, but it can give your team a greater edge for success when you face your opponent during the season.

Every coach has his own way and gimmick to scouting the opponents that he may face during the season. Yet in some cases, the scouting of opponents is a lost art and some young coaches don�t see the necessity of scouting. New technology, time, staff size and even expenses have all affected how teams� scout.

Through this article I�d like to present two main objectives for coaches.

  To see the necessity to scout opponents or continue to thoroughly scout opponents.
  To gain an understanding of a new and basic way to scout opponents.

Ancillary Benefits To Scouting

Scouting can help a coach better learn the game, pick up a new drill from warm-ups and can even be used for teaching and instruction for the staff. New staff members can use scouting to get a better feel of how other coaches view the game they are watching, how they will adjust to plays and also to better understand each other. ...The full article can only be seen by subscribers.
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