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Successful Special Teams Starts With A Solid Philosophy

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© February, 2006

by Mike Mallory
Defensive Coordinator, University of Illinois, Champaign, Ill.

IN COLLEGE FOOTBALL, there�s an average of 32 plays a game that involve special teams, so that aspect of your team had better be prepared.

You want to develop a philosophy on special teams that fosters the elimination of mistakes, keeps intensity high, preaches good fundamentals and is efficient with limited practice time.

But developing a philosophy is the easy part. Once you�ve developed a solid theory for how you�d like your special teams to perform, you must take steps to make that philosophy work. Four key areas make up the core of our special teams philosophy:

1.    The right personnel.
2.    Delegation of coaching staff duties.
3.    Having a detailed practice plan.
4.    Grading system for player performance.

The Right Personnel
There are six different special teams units.

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