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“Twist” and “Sell-The-Farm” Punt-Block Defenses Can Change Course Of The Game

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© February, 2004

by Kenny Ratledge
Assistant Coach, Sevier County High School, Sevierville, Tenn.

MANY COACHES AGREE that the punt is the most important and most dangerous play in football. A long punt return or a blocked punt can completely change a game’s tempo and momentum.

A blocked punt often results in a score, but the impact can be more far-reaching than the points. Statistics show the disastrous effects on a team that has a punt blocked. Dan Read, head coach at the University of Montana, studied games over a 25-year-period and discovered that 90 percent of teams that had a punt blocked lost the game. On the same note, former NFL coach Marv Levy has stated that 80 percent of teams that score on a blocked punt go on to win the game.

There are many benefits to be gained with an aggressive punt rush, and a block isn’t necessary to be successful.

An aggressive mindset by the defense can result in various miscues by the kicking team, including a poor snap (particularly if t ...The full article can only be seen by subscribers.
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