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© February, 2014
by Brett Steuerwald
Retired Coach • Shenendehowa High School (NY)
A coach’s responsibilities are endless but there are specific priorities he should understand.
The following is the first of a three-part series on the philosophy and strategy of football by Brett Steuerwald. A legendary coach in upstate New York, Coach Steuerwald reflects on 54 years as a coach and 44 as the head coach at Shenendehowa High School in Clifton Park, NY. His overall record was 319-88-4. He received numerous local, state, and national coaching honors and led his team to three state championships. This first article is on being the best coach you can be.
Never Stop Learning
Resource material has never been more abundant or accessible as it is in today’s market. There is a plethora of books, tapes, research studies and, most importantly, coaching clinics that are now available at the national, state, and collegiate level. This was not the case my first year coaching in 1957 until THE Coaching Clinic in Atlantic City, New Jersey.
Even after being exposed to the Notre Dame coaches as an undergraduate and graduate student, I vividly remember being awestruck by the presenters at this clinic. They gave out glasses with the names of all the presenters to each participant. To this day, when I go to my den where I have many items representing my life in coaching, I take great pleasure in reminding myself of the wonderful coaches I’ve had the privilege of listening to.
I also had the honor of speaking as a clinician in the 80’s after our team had a string of state championships. In my early years as a head coach, starting in 1968, I ...The full article can only be seen by subscribers.
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