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© February, 2013
Effectively Implementing the 4-2-5 Defense

by Frank DiCocco
Assistant Coach • York High School (SC)

Each defender needs to possess specific attributes to maximize the effectiveness of this defense.

When designing any style of defense, it is important to consider the personnel requirements of each position. While certain defensive schemes have specific needs at particular positions (such as the 3-4 with its emphasis on the nose guard position, and the 4-3 with its emphasis on the middle linebacker and defensive end positions) one of the beauties of the 4-2-5 scheme is that it accommodates for a broader range of talents at the respective positions.

When implementing the 4-2-5 scheme, however, it is important to understand which types of players and attributes best accentuate the defense. The following personnel considerations are worth taking into account when identifying position-by-position assignments in the 4-2-5:

Defensive Line Play In the 4-2-5 Scheme:  Similar to its 4-3 a ...The full article can only be seen by subscribers.
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