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© April, 2012
Wide ReceiverS - Speed on the EDGE

by Ken Taylor
The Speed Doctor

We all know that it’s important for our wide receivers to be fast. But why?

Speed on the edge is a threat like no other. It’s not only physical but psychological. When we have receivers that can fly, it puts so much pressure on the defense that it is hard to measure. When we have serious speed – our opponent has serious concerns. And they had better.

Want to change the game into your favor? Hit your speedy receiver with the perfect seam rout and watch the game change as he flies between the corner and safety on first down. Stress and worry for the defense comes from not only what’s being played on the field, but also just from knowing that breakaway speed is possible at any time. You’d better believe when teams like the University of Oregon with their fast-break offense come onto the field, t ...The full article can only be seen by subscribers.
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