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© February, 2011
Fundamentals and Drills for Defensive Line Success

By Steve Tirrell
Defensive Line Coach and Special Teams Coordinator • University of Massachusetts

When you install a fundamental base and give players a skill set of techniques to utilize, it will give them the confidence and ability to play at a high level. It will also simplify your job on game day in making adjustments.  Here are a few of my favorite drills for instilling fundamental techniques for defensive linemen.

Core Drills for fundamental success:

Drill #1: Step Grid (See Diagram 1). Teach athletes a perfect stance and then teach fundamentals.

    Players align by position, arms length apart with five yards of separation.  We form a grid by position.  First, we work right and then left-handed stances.  We are working the perfect stance, pointing your toes North and South.  Place y ...The full article can only be seen by subscribers.
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