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© February, 2008
The Role of a Head Coach in Turning a Program Around

by Tony Johnson
Head Football Coach, Wichita South High School (KS)
When I got to Wichita South High school I took over a program that had only won nine games in eleven years. I was coming from a college coaching background and had not coached at the high school level in over seven years. Even though I had success in my previous high school coaching stops, I leaned on my coaches and administrators to help us get this program moving forward.

My coaches and I hit the ground running and actually won a few games in our first year and had numerous players make the all GWAL (Greater Wichita Athletic League) team. One player became an All-State Wide Receiver and major Division-I recruit.

The first year when you become a new head coach every one for the most part buys in to what you are doing. You sel ...The full article can only be seen by subscribers.
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