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© June, 2014
POINT-COUNTERPOINT Strategies for the Onside Kick

by GS Editorial Staff

Kevin Kelley
Pulaski Academy (AR)
Head Coach
- Team never punts
- Frequently uses the onside kick
- 3 state championships

Jim Schroeder
Benedictine University
Defensive Coordinator
- Team ranked 11th nationally in total defense, 2012
- Coached at Davidson, Columbia, and Valparaiso

What is your offensive philosophy and strategy for the onside kick?
Kelley: My philosophy is multidimensional when it comes to the onside kick.  1) Although not viewed on the stat sheet as a turnover, it is just that.  And in any level of football, the number one determining factor in who wins or loses games  are turnovers.  The onside kick gives the chance to instantly create a turnover.  2) We like to increase the number of possessions in a game ...The full article can only be seen by subscribers.
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