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© December, 2013

by Doug Heslip
Assistant Coach, Team USA and Matt Brown O Line Coach Franklin College

Paying attention to the “little things” can help maximize the production of your running backs.

The off-season is a critical time to develop your quarterbacks, running backs and wide receivers. The fundamentals that can be mastered during this time are paramount. It is the “little things” that can be worked on such as proper stance, how to explode out of your stance and what to do with your eyes before the snap of the ball.

I spend a lot of time in the off-season developing the footwork of my athletes, and I run a variety of drills that will enhance footwork. Quick, nimble feet will make attacking defenders wrap up air and help your running backs maximize the amount of yards per rushing attempt. 

As coaches, we’re all looking for that one player that can make our lives easier during a season. That one player that makes people miss, explodes effortlessly through the line of scrimm ...The full article can only be seen by subscribers.
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