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© April, 2005
"Black Knightmare" Test And Summer Workout Pushes Players To The Limit

by Brian Jackson
Strength & Conditioning Coach, Crestwood High School, Sumter, S.C.

"Black Knightmare" Test And Summer Workout Pushes Players To The Limit
By Brian Jackson, Strength & Conditioning Coach, Crestwood High School, Sumter, S.C.

WHEN GOING OVER our summer workouts, I often find myself contemplating whether or not our athletes are ready to endure a full game. It seems like they are, when I take into account all the strength training, agility work and conditioning that takes place four days of the week — but being in good physical condition doesn’t always equal the physical stamina needed for a full 4-quarter football game.

At Crestwood High School, home of the Black Knights, I’ve had the pleasure of coaching some of the finest athletes anyone could ask for. Our strength team won three consecutive state championships in 20 ...The full article can only be seen by subscribers.
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