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© June, 2001
72 Ideas For Developing A Successful Program

by Vic Boblett
Head Coach, Rock Island High School, Rock Island, Ill.

BUILDING A WINNING football team is one thing. But maintaining success and creating a rock-solid football tradition year-in and year-out is a very difficult proposition.
Here are some ideas that will help you to choose the correct job, structure a sound football player feeder program and achieve consistent success:
A  Preliminaries: Things To Consider Before Taking The Job
    1.    Be very careful how you choose your coaching job. Many good coaches have been driven out of the profession because they didn’t do their homework before taking a new position.
    2.    Assess the school’s overall athletic ability.
    3.    Are they competing at a high level in other activities?
    4.    What has been the school’s athletic tradition throughout history?
    5.    Make sure that the school’s administration is serious about developing and m ...The full article can only be seen by subscribers.
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