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© April, 2008
The Power Running Game

The ‘Power’ running game series, popularized by former Washington Redskins Coach Joe Gibbs, is still dominant in the NFL and major colleges today.

To this day, the leading single game rusher in Super Bowl history is Timmy Smith who ran for 204 yards and two touchdowns in Super Bowl XXII. All of his yards came on the ‘counter’ which is the key play in a Power series. The third leading single game rusher in Super Bowl history is John Riggins who ran for 166 yards in Super Bowl XVII in the same offense.

In teaching offensive line play in this series, the following must be stressed:

1. WHO (who to block) and
2. HOW (how to block)

You must spend as much time on ‘Who’ as you do on ‘How’ because a poor block on the right man is better than a good block on the wrong man!

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