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© August, 2003
Critical Keys For Consistently Winning With An Undersized Back

by Mike Mizer
Head Coach, Spring Hill High School, Columbia, Tenn.

AS MUCH AS COACHES would like to have a powerful running back who picks up key first downs on third-and-three, the very best coaches adapt their offensive schemes to fit their personnel.

Our team utilizes a multiple-attack offense that emphasizes the passing game. But to make the passing game work to its fullest potential, the running game must be efficient. The biggest part of that efficiency comes from not asking the RB to do something that does not fit his strengths.

In this diverse offensive attack, we like to have a back who can do many things, including the ability to both protect the quarterback and receive passes. Obviously, it’s very important that the RB run the ball effectively. More often than not, the back who can do all of the things we ask of him is not going to be a large, powerful runner. Therefore, we designed a running scheme that is advantageous to his versatility.

Core Running Game
Like our passing game, our running ga ...The full article can only be seen by subscribers.
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